Since 1982, the St. Teresa Educational Foundation has been growing to support the mission of St. Teresa High School in preparing students for a future life that integrates faith in learning.
Through the contributions received from generous donors, we currently have twenty-five funded scholarships. As of July 2015, the total amount of funding for student scholarships reached over $1,250,000. If you are interested in funding a scholarship yourself, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you.
Besides scholarship assistance, it has been the policy that each school year the foundation distributes to St. Teresa High School a percent of the foundation funds to offset the operating expenses of the school. For the school year 2015-16 the amount distributed to offset operating expenses will be over $250,000.
In addition to the yearly scholarships and distribution, the foundation has also supported capital campaigns at St. Teresa High School. During the most recent Believe-Build-Become campaign, the foundation contributed over $700,000.
Since 1982, St. Teresa High School has received over $4,000,000 from the foundation. For full financial documentation, please feel free to contact us.